Monday, June 21, 2010

Eleven Months!!

Sarah now weighs 17lbs and is a tiny tornado - between the crawling, standing and cruising, we can barely keep up! We completely expect her to just walk across the room one day soon.
We've been having a few sleep (or lack thereof) issues over the last few weeks - she's been waking MULTIPLE times each night and her naps during the day have gone to hell. It occured to me yesterday that, given some of her "symptoms", we could be dealing with reflux again. She hasn't had the projectile vomitting or the screaming that we were used to, but there is also "silent reflux" to consider. Better safe than sorry, we've restarted her meds this week to see if it makes a difference. She slept last night from 11pm - 6am, waking only once. At 6am, she took a bottle and slept again until 9:30. And she FINALLY had a day with TWO good naps. Here's hoping we're on to something.
In addition to Sarah being 11mos old today, it's also the one year anniversary of my water breaking. None of us are likely to forget Father's Day 2009 any time soon. Thankfully, Father's Day 2010 was much less dramatic. I've managed to stay busy today so I wouldn't end up a puddle in the floor. I'm focusing on her upcoming birthday - party planning is a good way to keep my spirits up :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy 11 months to Sarah!